Open gym basketball for any Prairie City kids grades 6 through 12 not participating in high school volleyball or football. Will be from 3:30 to 5:00 in Old Gym Mondays and Wednesdays.
Sports update. Our final football league game will be tonight at 7 o’clock. We are also hosting the high desert league district tournament in Prairie City this year on Saturday starting at 10. Go Panthers
Just a reminder that the middle school dance for 7th and 8th graders is in the Old Gym from 6 to 8 this evening. Please do not show up early as it will not be open until 6. Thanks
Just a update to the volleyball games tomorrow. Jordan Valley just informed me that they will not have enough girls for a JV game tomorrow. Therefore there will only be a Varsity match starting at 12:00 tomorrow. It will also be senior recognition as well. Thank you.
Just spreading the word that John Day Polaris is doing an October Fest tomorrow October 15 starting at 5 at their business. Music, food, drinks, and kids games are happening. Just wanted to share the information. Have a great weekend.
Tomorrow the middle school volleyball and football games will both start at 11 in Crane. Thank you.
Delivery day for the butter braids is tomorrow. Please be expecting them with your child. Remember if you cannot deliver them the same day they need to be put in a deep freeze. Thank you, PTC
School picture retakes will be on October 13.
Update to the games in Crane for middle school this Friday. The bus will leave at 8. Volleyball will start with the C game at 11:00 with B and A games to follow. The football game will start at 12:00. It might be moved to 11:00 due to some referee scheduling issues. Just a heads up on that. Thanks
Just an update that all Sophomores are taking the PSAT throughout the state and country this Wednesday. They were all given studying material to prepare. They understand that the test has no bearing on their grades. If you really don't want your sophomore to take the test please let Mr. Colson know.
Prairie City School District #4 is looking for someone motivated to help students out and be a part of an amazing team. We are hiring for a SPED assistant. If you are interested, please click on the link and turn in an application to the school.
Thank you and Go Panthers!
Just an update about the 7th and 8th grade dance. The dance will be this Saturday October 16 from 6 to 8 in the Old Gym. The chaperones will be Lindy Cruise and Emily Bernard. No other grades allowed. No entry fee. Please contact the school if you have any other questions.
Reminder that the middle school volleyball game against Burns this week has been moved from Tuesday the 12th to Wednesday October 13 due to some bussing issues on their end. Thanks.
Just an update for this Friday. Middle school volleyball will start at 9 o’clock in the new gym playing dual Nets against Pine Eagle and Powder Valley. The middle school football game will start at one. Go Panthers
Just a time update for the Burns games Wednesday. The JV game will start at 4:00 with varsity to follow. Thank you.
Just a reminder that Monday is the start of homecoming week. Dress up days are Monday being jocks versus nerds. Tuesday is twin day. Wednesday is western day. Thursday is school colors day. Hope everyone can participate. Have a great week!
Just a heads up that the middle school volleyball game against Burns in a few weeks has been moved from Tuesday the 12th to Wednesday October 13 due to some bussing issues on their end. Thanks.
Just a note that today both football and volleyball are a go. Referees have been confirmed and the kids are headed to Huntington in a few hours. Thanks
This is a reminder that the Missoula Children’s Theatre presentation of The Emperor’s New Clothes will be tomorrow, Friday October 1st at 6:00 pm in the new gym. If your child was cast in the play, you should have received a letter that was sent home. Cast members should arrive at the new gym at 4:30 pm. Please contact the school with any questions or if your child is unable to be at the performance. We hope to see you there!
Reminder. There will be a financial aid informational meeting in the Library at the school at 5:30 Tuesday September 28. Presented by EOU representatives. Junior and Senior parents are welcomed to attend.