Pick up your order forms for your Krispy Kreme fundraiser!


100th Day of School

Winter sports dessert and awards banquet will be Tuesday March 11 in the cafeteria. Middle school awards will start at 5:30. High School awards will start at 7:00. A dessert will be provided. Thank you.

T-Ball Sign-ups...

Free Historic Yearbooks. We have some free yearbooks up for grabs. First come, first serve.
1 - 1956
1 - 1957
1 - 1958
1 - 1959
1 -2005
If you would like one visit the Library by way of the School Office. Thanks

Good luck to Tatyn and Bransyn Harper who will be competing in the bull riding at the national level Intermountain Icebreaker March 5th – 8th in Ogden, Utah

Dr. Seuss in first grade!

The Parent Teacher Committee is partnering with Original Works for a fundraiser to provide products with your child's original artwork. Order forms will be sent home soon and are due back March 19. All proceeds will be used to support Prairie City School students and teachers. Thank you in advance for your support!


Prairie city elementary KHC UPDATE! A bunch of students have joined our school’s team
already. Mrs. Winegars 1st grade class is in the lead with 8 students registered online. Mrs
Winegars class is also in the lead for most money raised! Way to go! Visit our school page at
http://www2.heart.org/goto/prairiecityor or download the AHA Schools app to join today. Mr.
Bauman is challenging everyone to sign up and remember theTop student gets to be the PE
teacher! Top fundraising class will get FREE choice PE! And the Top participating class
will get FREE choice PE!


If you have a kid riding the bus back from Huntington it just went by Philips Reservoir and should be back in PC around 5:15

Seuss Day was a Success! 3rd grade loved it!

Prairie City sports banquet for winter sports will be in the Cafeteria Tuesday March 11.
This will be a dessert only banquet
Middle school at 5:30
High School at 7:00
Thank you

Please help remind the seniors that there are several scholarships that are coming due in the near future. The Rosa Ricco Buttedahl and Gregg Smith Scholarships that are attached to the OSAC application are due March 3. Please help push these seniors to submit their applications. Also if you are a previous recipient of the scholarship you are eligible to receive it for a total of 4 years. Please go into your OSAC account and update your application to reflect anything new in your academics and personal life. Thank you.

Elementary Students and Parents,
Thursday is Dr. Seuss Day! Kiddos are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character. Lunch will be Green Eggs and Ham. See you tomorrow!

Help us get the word out!
We are searching for strong candidates for the following Positions:
Social Studies, 1st Grade, and 3rd Grade Teachers.
See Details Here: https://www.pcsd4.com/page/employment

Mr. Colson will be taking a rooter bus to Union on Wednesday to support the basketball team. This is only for Prairie City students in high school. It will leave at 3:00 and hopefully be back in PC by 10:30. He will have a sign up sheet in his room and there will be a permission form that the student will need to have done before they can go. They will also need $6 for admission to the game and some money for a quick meal either at Union or on the way home.

8th Grade Class trip parent meeting to discuss details. The meeting will be held in Mrs. Ferguson's English room Monday March 3rd at 5:30. Thank you